Leadership Team Keigwin School of Nursing
Associate Dean of Nursing
Chief Academic Nurse, Associate Professor of Nursing
Email address lwolf@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7041
Office location KSON 207
Virginia Strong, EdD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, RN-BC, CHSE, CNE
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Entry Level (UG) Program Director
Email address vsherri@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7986
Office location KSON 103
Joseph Fitzgerald, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Assistant Director of Community Partnerships
Email address jfitzge@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8984
Office location KSON 125
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Director of Accreditation, Evaluation, and Analytics
Interim Advanced Level Program Director
Email address mjohnso31@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8938
Roberta Christopher, EdD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, NE-BC, EBP-C, CAIF
Associate Professor of Nursing
Assistant Director of DNP Programs
Email address rchrist6@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8926
Office location AHSC 2193
Laurie Buschini, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Assistant Director of Advanced Level Nurse Practitioner Programs
Email address lbuschi@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8957
Office location AHSC 2183
Leyla Pordeli, DNP, MBA, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Assistant Director of Online Programs
Email address lpordel@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8934
Office location AHSC 2197
Amber Santos, DNP, MBA, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Director of Innovation and Immersive Learning
Email address asantos1@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7906
Office location KSON 205
Dawn Onstott, DNP, RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Assistant Director, Innovation and Immersive Learning
Email address donstot@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8983
Office location KSON 211
Amee Jones, MSN, RN, CHSE
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Director of STAR, Skills and HSC Centers
Email address ajones43@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7876
Office location KSON, STAR Center
Full-Time Faculty
Sherri Bateh, MSN, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address sbateh1@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8958
Office location KSON 113
Cheryl Bergman, PhD, APRN
Professor of Nursing
Email addressEmail address cbergma@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7282
Office location KSON 107
Erica Bilalovic, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email addressEmail address ecamp@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7289
Office location KSON 219
Email address
Teri Chenot, EdD, MS, MEd, MSN, RN, CCE(ACBE), FNAP, FAAN
Professor Emeritus
Email addressffice location
Stephanie Dorsey, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address sdorsey@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7951
Office location KSON 119
Bienvenida Almanza, MSN, RN, BC-BCEN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address bdoyle1@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8693
Office location KSON 201
Chelsa Fore, DNP, MSN-ED, RN
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address cfore@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7988
Office location KSON 121
Mary Gipson, PhD, FNP-BC
Professor of Nursing
Email address mgipson@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7257
Office location KSON 220
Carl Goforth, PhD, RN, CCRN, Captain/US Navy
Associate Professor of Nursing
Email address cgofort@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7982
Office location KSON 129
Leigh Hart, PhD, MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC
Professor of Nursing
Email address lhart@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7600
Charles Harvey, DNP, RN, CNOR, CNE
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address charvey5@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8936
Office location KSON 122
Ann Silbernagel Heusinger, DNP, APRN, CNE
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Entry Level (Undergraduate) Student Success Specialist
Email address aheusin@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7294
Office location KSON 203
Lauren Holloway, DNP, MSN, RN, CIC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Lead MSN-HQS Faculty
Email address lhollow2@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8948
Office location KSON 102
Erica Kines, DNP, FNP
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address eschroe1@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7201
Office location AHSC 2187
Kathryn Kott, PhD, APRN, FNP-C
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Lead FNP Faculty
Email address kkott@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8953
Office location AHSC 2189
Roberta Logsdon, DNP, APRN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Advanced Level (APRN) Faculty Clinical Coordinator
Email address rlogsdo1@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8927
Office location AHSC 2186
Melissa Amber Mason, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address amason8@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7604
Office location KSON 212
Michele McDonald, DNP, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address mmcdona9@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8928
Office location KSON 202
Jody Propst, MSN, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address jpropst@xinglongmaofang.com
Office location KSON 110
Telephone number (904) 256-7601
Carol Rademeyer, MS, BSN, APRN, CNM
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address crademe@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7034
Office location KSON 111
Nancy Robinson, MN, MPH, CNM
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address nrobins5@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7576
Office location KSON 105
Melissa Sefton, MSN, RNC-NIC
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address msefton@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7662
Office location KSON 221
Deanna Seymour, DNP, RN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address dseymou@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8985
Office location KSON 109
Pamela Swan, MSN, RN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Email address pswan@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-8910
Office location KSON 106
Elizabeth Winings, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Lead PMHNP Faculty
Email address ewining@xinglongmaofang.com
Part-Time Faculty
Diane Raines,DNP, RN
Part-time Faculty
Email address draines1@xinglongmaofang.com
Part-time Faculty, AGACNP
Email addres
Student Health Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Executive Director, Student Health Center
Email address eborne@xinglongmaofang.com
University Leadership
Teresa MacGregor Lovett, PhD, ARNP
Senior Vice President, Strategic Engagement & Enrollment
Email address tmacgre@xinglongmaofang.com
Telephone number (904) 256-7980
Office location Frisch Welcome Center
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